Monday 9 December 2019


Drug suicide may be difficult to distinguish from accidental death by overdose. The male-to-female ratio of suicide by drug self-poisoning in the aggregate data was 1. Suicide prevention through means restriction: Contrary to the 'method substitution hypothesis', which suggests that restricting access to some means of suicide results in substitution of alternative methods, numerous studies have demonstrated that such restrictions can reduce the number of completed suicides [ 36 , 37 , 39 , 40 ]. Research into suicide methods has mostly explored drug self-poisoning as one of several method categories [ 1 , 9 , 10 ]. This is consistent with the present study's findings on completed suicides.

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Restriction of access to drugs and medications in suicide prevention; pp. Further research must focus on specific drugs in national samples.

Psychotropic drugs X61 ranked second. Antidepressants and suicide prevention in Hungary. Self-poisoning with drugs and other substances codes X and X and self-harm X were analysed separately.

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This is consistent with the present study's findings on completed suicides. Please review our privacy policy. Relationship of suicide rates to social factors and availability of lethal methods: Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer.

Iceland, Scotland, Hungary and Switzerland 20. other high-risk countries in terms of both sexes' overdose rates, perhaps reflecting the availability of certain drugs, such as antidepressants and psychotropics [ 29 ]. AV participated in developing the study conception and design, data analysis and interpretation, drafting the article, revising it critically for important intellectual content and final approval rajpok the version to be published.

The ICD X codes are clearly an inadequate classification for detailed use and lethality detection. Since drug overdose is the predominant suicide method among people aged 60 and over, careful prescription is imperative in this age group [ 233 ]. Influence of pesticide regulation on acute poisoning deaths in Sri Lanka. A detailed description of the data sources is given elsewhere [ 910 ]. Trends in suicide from drug overdose in the elderly in England and Wales, Published online Jan This 2.00 is independent of the countries' overall suicide rates and male-to-female ratios.

Drug suicide: a sex-equal cause of death in 16 European countries

Methods used for parasuicide: One such practice may be the 'e-clinic' system being introduced in Estonia, enabling all physicians to share information about their patients' state of health and coordinate prescriptions. Both sexes use drug self-poisoning, a preventable suicide method, equally.

Am J Public Health. Overdose patterns vary widely among the countries, but within them no substantial divergence in sex and age patterns in drug choice are found. Key strategies to reduce self-harm from intentional drug ramppok include a public-health approach: Comparisons were made with other means of self-poisoning X and intentional self-harm X The gender gap in suicide and premature death or: Since this category includes 'other and unspecified drugs', data recording is likely to rampo poor.

Rise and fall of suicide rates in Australia: Finland had the highest rates for both sexes. Mortality from drug self-poisoning has decreased because of measures to make barbiturates less readily available in Australia [ 20 ], England and Wales [ 12 ], reduce the size of analgesic packs sold over the counter in the UK [ 13 ], improve safety in therapy with psychotropic drugs in Hungary [ 29 ], prescribe less toxic medication and smaller amounts of toxic drugs in Denmark [ 11 ], and withdraw co-proxamol in Scotland [ 18 ].

These data show that drug self-poisoning merits attention from clinical and public-health viewpoints. A multicentre study of coproxamol poisoning suicides based on coroners' records in England. Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Despite the sexes' different rates armpok drug overdose, the present study highlights the similarity of drug self-poisoning rates in most countries and in the aggregate data 1. A global perspective on the magnitude of suicide mortality; pp. Since data on method-specific suicides are not available from the WHO databank, male and female suicide numbers in year age groups and the respective population data were compiled from the participants' national statistical offices.

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